This is as extreme as it gets…

4 05 2013

Elcan 90mm f1

This remarkable Elcan 90mm f/1 lens was one of 10 made for the US Navy. It sold for 228,000 EUR (A$293,402) including the camera (military version KE-7A) and a special extension tube.

I sincerly believe that I will be travelling to Pluto before I get a chance to put one of these onto my newly acquired M8.2… 😀

Here is a couple of links to other “special” lenses and equipment:

A well thought-out plan for the future….

14 02 2013

…or total madness… or entering mid-life crisis…? 😀

What better way to show my love for photography than do a 1:1 lens-swapping on Valentines Day..? 🙂

This had to go…

Canon EF 24-70 f2.8 L

…to get this:

Leica M Summarit 50mm f2.5

Now I just need a camera… 😀