Less is more… a walk in Drammen – 05.04.20

5 04 2020

In these special times, it’s nice to a have a hobby like photography that can distract you from reality and make the mind wander. My plan was to try to be creative with a 21mm wide-angle lens, but I didn’t find any use for it today, instead I used almost exclusively a 50mm and even missed a 90mm..! 😀

Part #1 – Black & white photos

Part #2 – Colour photos

Some random photos around my neighbourhood… – 19.01.18

19 01 2018

Statistics say we haven’t had this much snow since 2010, but frankly I can’t recall so much snow ever here… normally a joyful experience, and I love the snow, the more the better, but I have been having a nasty flu for a couple of weeks and having to move away the snow haven’t made me enjoy it as much as I wish… well, hopefully, I will soon be back to normal, and can hope for even more snow..! 😀

Vardåsen around – 10.12.17

10 12 2017

A few photos from Vardåsen around today, one of the hills around our city Drammen. Drammen City can be seen in some of the photos. It was a beautiful trip with a little bit chill in the air, around -7 degrees Celsius, but the setting sun made for some great photographic opportunities. Here you go…:

Having fun with IR photography…

26 11 2017

Well, I have always been intrigued by IR photography, taking photos of something that is not visible with the human eye, but I have always stumbled into trouble, first of all focus… I bought a cheap filter 950nm (nanometer wavelength) IR filter on eBay, which might not be the brightest idea, and tried it on a Leica 24mm Elmarit-M and a 90mm Summicron-M, and they all were soft… very soft… and very pink/violet… well, years passed by, and a week ago I bought an original Leica IR filter (possible 720-750nm, they never inform..) for my 50mm Summilux from 1972, set the white-balance manually with the IR filter mounted, and voila..! These photos looks a lot more like I imagined they would…! 😀

But this got me thinking… what really is correct colours of something that we can’t see anyway..?

Pink tint, violet tint, cyan tint..?

(Ahh… forgot to mention… I am using the Leica M8.2 which is oversensitive to IR radiation due to the lack of IR filter in front of its sensor…)

Anyway, I like the way these photos look surrealistic, please comment if you have any thought about the subject!

The autumn is here…

30 09 2017

…with it’s fresh air and beautiful colours… so little time, so many lost opportunities when it is raining, but luckily mother nature gives us some windows of opportunities to appreciate the beautiful colours of the autumn leaves… more to come I hope…

Worst time of the year…

6 11 2015

…it’s dark, moisty, rainy, wet, foggy, damp, soggy, dewy… almost all the time, so from a photographic point of view (and many others..), it is not my favourite month…

However, I need to take pictures, so therefore it is cliché time, my dog and sunsets! 😀

T19 sunset – 05.09.15

5 09 2015

The autumn is coming… the air is fresher… and so is the colors… these photos were taken from my balcony this evening… SOOC (jpegs straight out of camera..)… just added a little bit of curves… that’s all…

Some bokehlicious summer farewell pictures… ;-P

4 07 2015

Summer is here, in all it’s glory, and this is, to be completely frank with you, the nice part of it… the colors… I know it will upset a lot of people, but I don’t really like the summers anymore… well, the summers are ok, and the long days are very ok, but what’s bothering me more and more is the heat… the awful and dreadful heat… impossible to protect yourself against it… and the sweat.. and the insects… I frankly don’t care for it anymore… I like the cold and the winters… 🙂

So enjoy, a few summer pictures… I pulled out my Canon 5D II and the EF 200mm f1.8L, and tried to make some pictures with that nice and creamy background blur (bokeh..)

So, looking forward to the autumn, this may be the last “summer-post” this year:

Asdøljuvet – 14.05.15

14 05 2015

Due to overload at work and home lately, the photographic opportunities have been rather low lately, but today I managed to escape with a photographic buddy, and here are today’s result:


T19 sunset – 10.02.15

11 02 2015

The last evenings have displayed some beautiful sunsets, so I thought I should share some of my pictures of them. All of them are JPEGs straight out of camera, no editing whatsoever apart from resizing and framing.

Leica M8(.2) + 50 Lux + 90 Cron