Having fun with IR photography…

26 11 2017

Well, I have always been intrigued by IR photography, taking photos of something that is not visible with the human eye, but I have always stumbled into trouble, first of all focus… I bought a cheap filter 950nm (nanometer wavelength) IR filter on eBay, which might not be the brightest idea, and tried it on a Leica 24mm Elmarit-M and a 90mm Summicron-M, and they all were soft… very soft… and very pink/violet… well, years passed by, and a week ago I bought an original Leica IR filter (possible 720-750nm, they never inform..) for my 50mm Summilux from 1972, set the white-balance manually with the IR filter mounted, and voila..! These photos looks a lot more like I imagined they would…! 😀

But this got me thinking… what really is correct colours of something that we can’t see anyway..?

Pink tint, violet tint, cyan tint..?

(Ahh… forgot to mention… I am using the Leica M8.2 which is oversensitive to IR radiation due to the lack of IR filter in front of its sensor…)

Anyway, I like the way these photos look surrealistic, please comment if you have any thought about the subject!

Infrared (IR) photos – 16.06.13

17 06 2013

Apart from the economical side of buying M8 instead of M9 etc, the M8 and M8.2 has another big advantage. It has a very reduced IR filter in front of the sensor. This means that the M8 is very suitable for taking IR-photos.

So a couple of days ago, the IR filter I purchased very cheap on ebay finally arrived, and I have been playing with it the whole week-end. It is very interesting to think of that none of what are seen in these pictures are visible with the naked eye..! 🙂

The filter which I bought is completely dark, looking through it with your naked eye you can’t see anything, it is blocking all visible light up to 950nm.